Who am I ?
My pcourse
Professional in quality management and organizations for more than 15 years, I haveaccompanied the changein the establishment of organizations aimed at efficiency andperformance within service companies (major infrastructure projects, credit insurance and related services).
I then directed my activities towards the accoaccompaniment of organizations in their transformations, in particular by using thetheaterand its different forms liketransformation leverprofessional and organizational.
I completed my professional coach certification(*), through in-depth work on the conditions of an individual performance andcollective centered on the Human.
(*) Individual and Team Professional Coach Certificate (diploma recognized by the RNCP - National Register of Professional Coaches - Level 7)
My 5 Strengths to accompany you
(according to Clifton Strengths profile ©)
To aim for excellence, personal or group, I prefer to lead my clients to make their strong points sublime, before trying to work on areas of discomfort.
I'm interested in the unique qualities of each person and enjoy understanding how different people can work together in unique ways. He always has a magic combination to be found in the alliance of certain individuals. The recipe is complex and also depends on the actors, but it is often a treasure that is found at the end of this path.
I am convinced that there are links between all things, and that events are rarely the result of chance. This systemic vision and my ability to share it broadens my clients' possibilities for action.
I love the action! My methodologies and approaches lead to analyzes and deep awareness, which will only be virtuous through the actions that result from them!
I have different sources of knowledge, and I like to feed on this knowledge which allows me to adapt my interventions to the contexts and issues of my clients.